Colorful Brains:
The Dancing Colors of fMRI
By Suraj Sheth
The introductory sequence of the
popular show “Limitless” shows portions of the brain lighting up in brilliant
colors as new connections are made. While the show may be based on a claim that has been disproved (that we only use 10% of our brains at any moment) its introductory
sequence is somewhat similar to the ways neuroscientists visualize the brain.
With new technologies, neuroscientists, now more than ever, are gaining
insights into how the brain processes information in real time, furthering our
knowledge of the way this approximately 3-pound organ functions.
One major tool that
has revolutionized neuroimaging is functional magnetic resonance Imaging, or
fMRI. fMRI is a procedure that uses an MRI machine to detect the differences in
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood flowing in the brain, and is used to track
changes in blood flow to different regions. Based on the idea that increased
blood flow indicates that a certain region of the brain is active, scientists
can use fMRI to see how the brain responds to various stimuli, and what regions
of the brain are activated to in response to different kinds of information.
fMRI is relatively easy to use and is very safe, and its results are applicable
to a variety of different studies.
Students in the Neuroscience
Seminar at Loyola University Chicago got to hear about one such study on Aril
19th, 2016, from Dr. Michael Cohen. Dr. Cohen is a post-doctoral
fellow in the Reber Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern
University, where, using fMRI, he studies the effects of aging on how people
encode their memories, especially memories of value. He explained how he found that
there were differences in how younger people and older people (60 years or
older) achieve “value directed memory selectivity,” during verbal learning.
Essentially, the way the brain stores memories that are deemed to be “valuable”
changes as we age, at least for verbal learning. Dr. Cohen and his colleagues
found that when both younger and older people were exposed to a set of words
they had to learn, with some words having higher importance than others
(indicated to the subjects with a value cue), both age groups used a region of
the brain referred to as the “semantic network.” However, only younger
individuals showed a significant increase in activity in their semantic
networks when they were presented with “high value words.” Older individuals,
on the other hand, had only small changes with “high value words,” but
responded to “low value words” by having lower activity in their semantic
networks. This means each group had a slightly different way of identifying,
prioritizing, and learning high value words over low value words. The study
also found that only younger individuals had “value-related increases” in
activity in their semantic and reward processing networks in response to the
“value cue.” (an increase in activation based on the cue’s value, and not the
word itself). Interestingly, this increase in activity did not predict any
difference in memory selectivity between older individuals and younger
individuals. Dr. Cohen’s study shows how the processing mechanisms used by the
brain to interpret information changes over our lifetimes, and how different
age groups may engage their brains in different ways in response to the same

Both Dr. Cohen and Dr. Norman- Haignere
were able to use fMRI technologies to discover how the brain processes
information. Dr. Cohen’s study was comparative, seeing which functional changes
occur as we age. Dr. Norman- Haignere utilized fMRI to discover the existence
of a new network within the brain, one that has evolved specifically for the
interpretation of music. Both studies are interdisciplinary, integrating
psychology and computational neuroscience to figure out the function and
importance of different areas of the brain. The fact that both studies are
highly relevant is a testament to the flexibility of fMRI studies. Through
technologies like fMRI, we can gain insight into the essential internal
processes that make us who we are today.
Dr. Cohen’s Original Study:
Cohen, M.S., Rissman,
J., Suthana, N.A., Castel, A.D., Knowlton, B.J. (2016). Effects of aging on
value-directed modulation of semantic network activity during verbal learning. NeuroImage, 125, 1046-1062
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