Friday, March 1, 2024

Circadian Rhythm and Mental Health

    Circadian Rhythm is the twenty-four-hour internal clock that our brain uses to regulate our periods of alertness and rest. This has been linked to responding to light and darkness. In his chapter discussing circadian rhythm, Dr. Fred Turek discusses the linkages between circadian rhythm and different parts of our health. Such as the connection between circadian rhythm and cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease. 

    According to the article written by William Walker et. al, there have also been findings that link circadian rhythm to mental health. There is a bidirectional relationship between the two wherein mood disorders are seen to coincide with circadian disruptions. 

    A big part of the offset of the circadian rhythm is the technology we see in modern society. The usage of technology that produces artificial light has been proven to cause dysregulated circadian cycles. As part of his talk, Dr. Fred Turek touched on the topic of Night shift workers and how they are at a higher risk of health concerns due to their unregulated circadian rhythm and going against the normal cycle. 

    In future experiments, a study should be done on regulating factors in shift workers to ensure that they do not suffer health concerns such as mental health. A test could be done by implementing a sun clock that mimics natural lighting in the opposite order with night shift workers to see if that improves overall health. 


    Walker, W.H., Walton, J.C., DeVries, A.C. et al. Circadian rhythm disruption and mental health. Transl Psychiatry 10, 28 (2020).

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