Friday, October 11, 2024

The world around us: Electrical Stimulation on Proprioception

     Proprioception often referred to as the “sixth sense” is the body’s ability to perceive information about its position and movement in space, this is related to the central nervous system. Proprioception allows one to perform daily tasks associated with balance and coordination without depending on visual input or consciously thinking about each movement. However, the process of proprioception can be adversely affected by injuries and medical conditions (Hryvniak, Wilder, Jenkins, Statuta, 2021). 

    In the article, Effects of Noise Electrical Stimulation on Proprioception, Force Control, and Corticomuscular Functional Connectivity, Dr. Vincent Chen and colleagues studied the effects of noise electrical stimulation on proprioceptive senses as well as grip force control and how this correlate to neural activities in the central nervous system. The study found that noise stimulation with the appropriate intensity had an improvement on force and joint proprioceptive senses. Participants exposed to higher intensity electrical noise stimulation for a 30-minute period showed improvement in force proprioceptive perception. These results showed a potential clinical benefit for people with impaired proprioceptive senses. 

    In the ScienceDirect journal, Improved proprioceptive function by application of subsensory electrical noise: Effects of aging and task-demand, Diana R. Toledo and colleagues discussed the benefits of subsensory electrical noise stimulation on proprioception in young and older adults. The study found that people exposed to electrical noise stimulation showed improvements in proprioception function, electrical noise stimulation applied to the legs led to faster response times for detecting ankle movements. Studies also revealed that electrical noise stimulation showed a reduction in the postural sway, providing better postural control only during more challenging tasks, specifically when the visual information was removed. The study found that electrical noise stimulation enhances proprioceptive and postural control especially during more demanding tasks. The improvements were not significantly influenced by the age of the participants but rather by the difficulty of the task which plays a more critical role in the effectiveness of the stimulation. 

    Both studies demonstrate the positive effects of noise electrical stimulation on proprioception. Dr. Vincent Chen study showed that electrical noise stimulation at the appropriate intensity could be beneficial for the improvement of force and joint proprioceptive senses and mentions how noise stimulation could provide clinical benefits. While in the study by Diana R. Toledo, the results showed that electrical noise stimulation provided positive impacts in proprioceptive function and reduction of postural sway in both young and older adults. Both results show that electrical noise stimulation could potentially be clinically beneficial for young and older adults suffering from impaired proprioceptive senses.

        Chou, Li-Wei, et al. “Effects of noise electrical stimulation on proprioception, force control, and corticomuscular functional connectivity.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 31, 2023, pp. 2518–2524,

    Hryvniak, D., Wilder, R. P., Jenkins, J., & Statuta, S. M. (2021). Therapeutic exercise. Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 62539-5.00015-1 

    Toledo, Diana R., et al. “Improved proprioceptive function by application of subsensory electrical noise: Effects of aging and task-demand.” Neuroscience, vol. 358, 1 Sept. 2017, pp. 103–114,

The Emergence of Consciousness During Early Prefrontal Cortex Development

     As we may be the most sentient beings within this planet, one may wonder how this came to be. The science behind conscience development is still very much so a mystery as infants aren't able to give verbal feedback on what they may be thinking or feeling. At which point did we begin to form consciousness and perceive? The definition of consciousness may vary slightly depending on who you ask, with some people believing we are conscious before birth, during, and way after birth into early adolescence. Either way, it is this specific component of the human experience that sets us apart from our common pets, insects and house plants, enabling us to find the best possible ways to survive and become the top of the food chain as we developed the world as we know it today.

     One specific research article titled "Does Consciousness Begin Before Birth" described by Fiona Tyrell based on the original study "Consciousness in the cradle: on the emergence of infant experience" by Tim Bayne conducted by an international research team from Trinity College Dublin (published October 12, 2023) gives insight on the notion that consciousness does indeed emerge before birth, during the late stage of pregnancy and even immediately after birth. It presents findings of infant consciousness as measured through brain imaging, newborn sensory integration processes as well as the perceptual capabilities of infants, as compared to adults. According to this article as found on Neuroscience News, it is apparent that "by birth the infant’s developing brain is capable of conscious experiences that can make a lasting imprint on their developing sense of self and understanding of their environment" (Tyrell 2). This entails the encoding of sensory details such as sounds from varied languages, including the sound of their mother's voice, which is due to perceptual capacity being stronger for infants than in adults. This was discovered by using one way and two way consciousness markers through brain imaging in adults which were then applied to assess infant consciousness to view thalamocortical connectivity. As it turns out, though infants aren't as adept at visual processing compared to adults they still have the capability to distinguish visual stimuli and can also discriminate facial expressions of happiness to disgust. This is fascinating because quite often, as older persons we don't always tend to understand when children begin to form their own thoughts, ideas and experiences and we may overlook this process, writing it off as less significant than the integration processes of adults who already lead their own lives since children have less developed minds. I feel that it is important to note that each initial process has a very profound effect on children as they grow because they nurture the type of person the child will become in the future. 

    This can also possibly directly correlate to the findings of a study titled "Relations Between Frontal EEG Maturation and Inhibitory Control in the Prediction of Children’s Early Academic Skills" by Margaret Whedon, Nicole B. Perry and Martha Ann Bell which expresses findings that the rate of prefrontal cortex maturation is important for the expression of inhibitory control (IC) within children. According to the study, children with higher signals of alpha waves which are emitted while the brain is idly awake in the prefrontal cortex may positively correlate with a higher rate of frontal lobe maturation, allowing for better performance during academic tasks including math and reading. This was measured using EEG technology as children were Woodcock-Johnson tests to complete. At age 4, the childrens' inhibitory control abilities were assessed in this way and then again at age 6 to find the correlation between higher alpha wave frequencies and prefrontal maturation, which was positive. Given the findings of both research articles, it makes sense to conclude that infants who were able to successfully integrate many different types of stimuli and conscious experiences could exhibit more development within their frontal lobe connectivity that supports the process of demonstrating inhibitory control.


      Tyrell, Fiona, "Does Consciousness Begin Before Birth?" Neuroscience News, Oct. 2023,

      Bayne, Tim, “Consciousness in the cradle: on the emergence of infant experience” Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 27, Issue 12, 1135 - 1149, Oct. 2023, 

    Whedon, Margaret, et al. “Relations between Frontal EEG Maturation and Inhibitory Control in Preschool in the Prediction of Children’s Early Academic Skills.” Brain and Cognition, volume 146, no. 105636, Dec. 2020, p. 105636,

Intersections of Memory: Visual and Auditory Influences on Cognitive Performance

Memory performance is a multidimensional occurrence that significantly varies between sensory modalities, mainly in the realms of visual and auditory processing. Understanding the differences can be important for various fields, including cognitive psychology, education, and human-computer interaction, because of how they influence how we encode, store, and retrieve information.


In the perceptive article "Constant Curvature Segments as Building Blocks of 2D Shape Representation," Nicholas Baker et al. investigate the mechanisms that underlie visual memory. The authors propose that the human visual system utilizes constant curvature segments as fundamental building blocks for representing complex two-dimensional shapes. As described in the lecture, through a series of experiments, they demonstrate that individuals exhibit enhanced memory performance when shapes are decomposed into these curvature segments, facilitating easier recognition and recall. The results from this research emphasize the significance of visual organization and structure in memory tasks, suggesting that the brain’s ability to categorize and simplify visual information plays a crucial role in memory retention.


Similarly, in the article "Auditory and Visual Short‐Term Memory: Influence of Material Type, Contour, and Musical Expertise," Francesca Talamini et al. explore auditory memory performance and its relationship with musical training. Based off the article, their findings show that musicians—who have specialized training in auditory perception—demonstrate superior memory for melodic contours compared to their non-musician counterparts. The authors argue that this advantage may stem from musicians' enhanced ability to encode and maintain auditory information, suggesting that musical expertise contributes to the development of more robust memory traces. Furthermore, Talamini et al. highlight the importance of contour information in auditory tasks, indicating that individuals with musical training are more adept at discerning subtle variations in sound patterns, thereby improving their overall memory performance.


The association that can be drawn between these two articles lies in their similar focus to how structural elements—whether visual segments or auditory contours—enhance memory performance. Baker et al. illustrate how breaking down visual shapes into simpler curvature segments facilitates better recall, emphasizing the brain's organization of visual stimuli in memory encoding. Concurrently, Talamini et al. emphasize the significance of contour in auditory stimuli, showing how musicians' training enables them to better perceive and remember melodic structures. Both of the studies suggest that an inherent structure, whether it is in the form of visual segments or auditory contours, improves cognitive processing and memory retention.


The relationship is particularly relevant as can imply a broader principle about memory across different sensory modalities. From these articles, we can understand that memory performance can be enhanced through the structural organization of stimuli—weather it is visual or auditory—researchers can explore integrated approaches to learning that leverage these insights.


Baker, N., Garrigan, P., & Kellman, P. J. (2021). Constant curvature segments as building blocks of 2D shape representation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General150(8), 1556–1580. 

Talamini, F., Blain, S., Ginzburg, J., Houix, O., Bouchet, P., Grassi, M., Tillmann, B., & Caclin, A. (2022). Auditory and visual short-term memory: Influence of material type, contour, and musical expertise. Psychological Research86(2), 421–442.

Inhibitory Control as a Evaluative Measure in Studies of Academic Performance and Bilingualism

There is a lot of literature in psychology that is focused on key stages of development. Part of it is to understand the basics of child development and how we learn in general, and the other portion is to eventually develop programs and interventions to make sure children develop to their full potential and aren’t left behind from the very beginning in this marathon we call life. An expert researcher who has made many findings in this field is Dr. Martha Ann Bell. Dr. Bell came to Loyola Chicago to present in our class earlier this semester on her paper, “Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children's early academic skills.” 

Dr. Bell was a wonderful presenter, and you could tell she really was passionate about the research she was doing. She went through her findings and showed how inhibitory control(IC) was a possible mediator variable in academic performance between the ages of 10 months to 6 years old. Inhibitory control is the ability to inhibit your natural desires/inclinations in order to complete another task, which is crucial for young children in order to sit still and pay attention to their teachers teaching them new information. Dr. Bell wondered if how well the young children could exhibit IC at younger ages would determine their academic performance in later years. One of the limitations of the scope of her research that Dr. Bell clearly stated in her presentation, was that originally very specific demographic data was not taken as well as there are many other factors that can affect a child’s development besides the time they are being evaluated in preschool and kindergarten for her studies. One of the possibilities many reasons for the results of Dr. Bell’s research comes from a study I saw while I was at the Society for Neuroscience annual conference here in Chicago this past week. 

On the last day I met a women named Sally Sade who was researching bilingualism’s effect on young children’s development and cognitive abilities. Sade’s research was in the preliminary phases but the research had IC as one of the evaluative measures of a child’s executive functioning abilities. Sade’s research is still ongoing, but as of now her results have shown that although bilingual kids perform the same overall, their brains are more efficient at switching between tasks. So this study made me think of Dr. Bell’s study and if one of the reasons a kid may have higher IC could possibly be because they are bilingual and have to stop the process of another language occurring in their brain in order to use the other language, especially if they are from the same language family(Spanish and French both being Latin languages for example). I believe in the future these studies could tie into one another and maybe it will lead to more of a push and support for bilingualism in the United States from a young age, which is very common in many countries around the world besides the United States.


Sally Sade, Scott Rathwell, Bryan Kolb, Claudia Gonzalez, Robbin Gibb

bioRxiv 2024.10.04.616691; doi: 

Whedon, M., Perry, N. B., & Bell, M. A. (2020). Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of Children’s early academic skills. Brain and Cognition, 146, 105636.

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation: A Path to Improved Motor Function and Proprioception in Neurological Disorders

There are many people who are suffering from neurological impairments, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has been gaining traction as an effective means for improving proprioception and motor function in these people. Dr. Vincent Chen, in his research article, "Effects of Noise Electrical Stimulation on Proprioception, Force Control, and Corticomuscular Functional Connectivity," investigated the impact of stochastic resonance electrical stimulation on various factors, such as joint proprioception and functional connectivity between the cortex and muscles. Likewise, researcher Courtney L. Ellerbusch, in her research article, “A case series in individuals with multiple sclerosis using direct current electrical stimulation to inhibit spasticity and improve functional outcomes,” investigated the effects of direct current electrical stimulation (DC) on spasticity and functional mobility in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr. Chen’s research uncovered how noise electrical stimulation, along with corticomuscular coherence, enhances proprioceptive abilities and improves grip force regulation. By applying noise electrical stimulation at optimal intensities, there was significant improvement in force control and joint proprioception in the participants. Similarly, Ellerbusch and her colleagues employed a multimodal approach - combining DC with neuromuscular reeducation, flexibility, and functional training - over 18 visits to examine the impact on spasticity in people with MS. She provided greater insight into the role of mechanoreceptors and electrical stimulation in helping patients better manage spasticity and improving functional outcomes in a clinical setting. While Dr. Vincent Chen’s research highlights the corticomuscular connectivity in healthy people, Ellerbusch’s case series can advocate for the effectiveness of electrical stimulation in restoring neural pathways in patients with MS. Dr. Chen and Dr. Ellerbusch underscored the important role neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has in enhancing neural connectivity in both of their studies. Specifically, in Dr. Chen’s research, the applied noise-based stimulation led to greater synchronization between the muscle groups and motor cortex, which resulted in better-controlled movements. This very principle was confirmed in Dr. Ellerbusch’s MS case series, as the patients who experienced lowered spasticity also reported improvements in their strength, ability to walk, and balance. Specifically, the elimination of clonus - involuntary and rhythmic muscle contractions - occurred in some of the subjects during and temporarily after treatment. These two studies indicate that not only is there improvement of motor function in healthy individuals interacting with NMES, but also that research is starting to reveal this can be used as a therapeutic intervention for persons with neurological disorders as well. While Ellerbusch prefaces that her research was a small pilot study case series where conclusions should be made cautiously, her research at least provides a promising path for NMES being integrated into wider rehabilitation procedures. As Dr. Vincent Chen’s study mostly addressed immediate changes in motor control and proprioception, his research has shown the potential to go further in seeing if NMES can have lasting changes in neural plasticity. In the near future, searching how these different types of electrical stimulation can affect the brain's capability to create new neural pathways over time would be very beneficial, especially as NMES offers a non-invasive solution for enhancing motor function. NMES has shown to eventually become an essential tool in rehabilitation settings, aiding people in regaining control over their movements, improving their quality of life, and providing greater hope for people living with these neurological conditions.

doi: 10.1177/20552173231186512

    I came across a very interesting post the other day over the internet. A concerned and loving parent reaching out and looking for answers from the community about their child. After a meeting with the child's daycare teacher, they informed the concerned parent of behavioral issues the child expresses during day care hours. They notified the parent that their child can’t sleep or rest during rest time and often prevents others from sleeping. Even though the child is the oldest in the classroom and he gives the most trouble. The parents were told that he is non-compliant and when told to do things he doesn't want to do, he'd throw temper tantrums and throw himself to the floor.  One time he was asked to stop playing with toys and out of frustration threw the toy he was playing with at another child, hurting the child, and showed no remorse. As you can see this parent has a right to be concerned. However we can't help but question why is the child acting this way and what does that mean for the future of this child? Now we can't predict the future but maybe  new scientific break throughs can help us pin point or or even help us get a better understanding on why things are the way they are. 

    I really appreciated the talk and the article "Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills" by Martha Ann Bell, Nicole B Perry and Margert Whedon . The purpose of their study was to investigate developmental changes in resting-state EEG thought to reflect frontal cortical maturity, across the preschool years and looking to see if they were associated with children’s IC (Inhibition Control) at age 4 and subsequently academic skills at age 6. In their findings their evidence does in fact support that development of PFC (prefrontal cortex) in the earlier stages is associated with IC and academic successes. However one of their limitations was the ability to account for environment in the development of PFC.  Now I'm not indicating anything but maybe looking at the correlation between environment and PFC may help us deduce some of the factors that this child in the post I was telling you about is going through. 

I came across this article "Rapid Infant Prefrontal Cortex Development and Sensitivity to Early Environmental Experience" by Dev Rev (2018).  One of the aims of this journal/review was to provide a novel integration of research in three separate domains when looking at environment :maltreatment, poverty, and premature birth. This review sought to capture of perspective types of early adversity result in contrast neural and behaviors of the prefrontal cortex development. The review claims that impacts of early adverse environments on prefrontal cortex are present very early in development: within the first year of life and were able to correlate that children’s ability to regulate behavior and emotions in a goal-directed fashion, referred to as executive function (EF). The article suggests that EF relys on the development of prefrontal cortex.  In order for EF to be at its highest is important for proper development of the PF which is responsible for decision-making and cognitive control is presumed to underlie the vulnerability of adolescents to making risky choices.


Inhibitory Control and Accessibility in Education

            Inhibitory control (IC) is a process in which we can regulate and prevent ourselves from performing unwanted behaviors. It develops in our first few years of life as the prefrontal cortex of the brain develops. Dr. Bell and collaborators’ longitudinal study in children from 10 months to 6 years old examined a relationship between IC, examined with the aid of electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, and early academic skills. IC is thought to be an important developmental process for young children adapting to new social settings, such as schools, as they must learn to control and repress undesired behaviors. Dr. Bell’s lab focused only on children exhibiting typical development patterns, excluding participants with low birthweights, premature births, and early indicators of neurodivergence. This was done as a method to control confounding variables to the experiment and to standardize participant conditions. Research examining neurotypical individuals does not serve to exclude neurodivergent individuals, but instead to understand typical neural processes or development, so that further research can understand differing or atypical mechanisms of the nervous system. 

Dr. Bell’s research acknowledged that deficits in IC are characterized with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), as decreased EEG power values were observed compared to neurotypical children. Early characterizations of ADHD have considered a lack of inhibitory control to be a primary identifiable symptom, according to Senkowski, et al; Research conducted at Duquesne University led by Madison McKee also suggests that development of inhibition in the frontal cortex may be impaired in children with autism. Neurodivergence in children often results in a need for placement in special education programs to help make school systems more accessible. Further research on IC’s correlation to academic ability in both neurodivergent and neurotypical children could help demonstrate the degree in which traditional school systems are meeting children’s needs. 

School distress is a phenomenon studied by Dr. Sinéad Mullaly outlined in the 2023 study “School distress and the school attendance crisis: a story dominated by neurodivergence and unmet need.” School distress refers to a feeling in children and young people of heightened emotional turmoil related to school, often resulting in a lack of attendance. In the study, the researchers found that 92.1% of children experiencing school distress were neurodivergent, with 83.4% being autistic. While all people experiencing school distress had higher levels of anxiety, resulting in behaviors of avoidance, mental health conditions were mostly observed in neurodivergent children, with only 6.17% of neurotypical children having reported any. This suggests that school systems likely present additional struggles for neurodivergent children, who are then forced to take on additional emotional and mental burdens. 

Dr. Bell’s research found a positive relationship between IC and early academic performance, suggesting that traditional schooling may cater to neurotypical students who do not have impairments in IC seen in neurodivergent children. I believe that neurodivergent children who do not receive accessibility accommodations often have to take upon the added stress of conforming to school systems that are not created to benefit them and the way that they learn. 

A June 2024 article in The Wall Street Journal entitled “A Record Number of Kids Are in Special Education—and It’s Getting Harder to Help Them All” outlines the United States’ public school systems’ struggle with accommodating students with accessibility needs in the classroom. Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, classroom learning has changed and modernized. Along with this, decreased stigma around diagnoses of neurodivergence has led to an increase in students in special education. In 2023, up to 15.3% of US public school students were eligible for individualized educational plans due to disability. However, traditional classrooms unable to catch up to the rapid developments in education often lack the resources and knowledge necessary to serve all kinds of students with all kinds of learning styles. I believe that neuroscience research and the work of developmental neuroscience can help explore the best methods for children to learn and how to provide accessible means to academic success for students who are considered atypical or neurodivergent, as it is important that all people have access to education. 



Connolly SE, Constable HL and Mullally SL (2023) School distress and the school attendance crisis: a story dominated by neurodivergence and unmet need. Front. Psychiatry. 14:1237052. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1237052

McKee, M. (2023). Cognitive Neuropsychology of Autism, Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and the Role that Neurodivergence Plays on Social Skills, Cognition and Behavior.. D.U.Quark, 8 (1). Retrieved from

Senkowski, D., Ziegler, T., Singh, M. et al. Assessing Inhibitory Control Deficits in Adult ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Stop-signal Task. Neuropsychol Rev 34, 548–567 (2024).

Whedon, Margaret, et al. “Relations between Frontal EEG Maturation and Inhibitory Controlin Preschool in the Prediction of Children’s Early Academic Skills.” Brain and Cognition, vol. 14.  no. 105636, Dec. 2020, p. 105636,





Inhibitory control and ADHD

Congrats! You just used your prefrontal cortex (PFC) to decide to read this blog post. The PFC is a crucial part of the brain responsible for decision-making skills. On of the aspects to decision making is inhibitory control (IC). IC is an important aspect of brain function that helps guide us of what to do or not to do.  This skill, which occur in the prefrontal cortex, develops over time.

IC is a key aspect of development in young children. Numerous studies have focused on the importance of IC throughout human life. New research gives us insight into the development of IC from infancy through the toddler stage, which can help us understand where developmental issues may arise. A core issue in ADHD is impaired IC. Research has shown that IC training can help reduce ADHD symptoms. Dr. Ann Bell has recently published research on the importance of IC as we develop from infancy to around four years old. Alongside this, Dr. Meyer has shared findings on how video games can be used to train young people with ADHD, improving their inhibitory control and, in turn, alleviating ADHD symptoms.

In the research article "Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children's early academic skills," Dr. Ann Bell and colleagues examined early brain maturation. Specifically, they focused on the development of IC from infancy to age 4 and its relationship to early academic success. This study used electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor brain activity from infancy to preschool age. The EEG recordings were taken to measure the frontal alpha power of the participants’ resting state. The study found that increased frontal alpha power was associated with better IC in preschool-age children. This research suggests that interventions targeting IC in young children may have benefits for their future academic success.

Students with ADHD often struggle in academic environments. This is because IC is one of the key skills needed for success in the classroom. Current research explores the various ways to improve ADHD symptoms by targeting and training IC skills. By improving IC, these skills can transfer over to classroom performance. One promising form of training involves video games. In a study led by Dr. Meyer and colleagues, the focus was on whether IC training could reduce ADHD symptoms and affect associated neural markers. The study, "Computer-based inhibitory control training in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Evidence for behavioral and neural impact," showed that children who trained using IC-targeted video games improved their IC. The findings suggest that computerized IC training may be a viable adjunct treatment for ADHD, showing promise in reducing inattention symptoms and affecting underlying neural mechanisms linked to inhibitory control. This adds to the growing body of research, offering great promise for the future of ADHD treatment.

Works Cited:


Meyer KN, Santillana R, Miller B, Clapp W, Way M, et al. (2020) Computer-based inhibitory control training in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Evidence for behavioral and neural impact. PLOS ONE 15(11): e0241352.


Margaret Whedon, Nicole B. Perry, Martha Ann Bell (2020) Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills, Brain and Cognition, Volume 146, 2020, 105636, ISSN 0278-2626,


Constant Curvature Segments, the Visual System, and Impaired Vision in Olympians

   Over the summer, a familiar event graced the televisions of people globally: the Olympics. Every four years, athletes who dedicated their time and strength to represent their countries compete in various sporting events to earn pride and honor for their countries through medals. Though Olympians are considered physically perfect, many of them have unique variations to their senses and builds that could be either beneficial or detrimental to their athletic performances. However, the human brain is adept at compensating for senses and mechanisms that may not be up to the average – such can be seen in the Olympians with conditions that impair their vision (Davis). Many Olympians have impaired vision, whether it be astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness, a combination of those conditions, or other conditions like strabismus and coloboma (the conditions that Stephen Nodoroscik, USA’s men’s pommel horse specialist, had) (Davis). While many may consider clear vision vital to athletic performance, many Olympians would disagree. For them, the neuroplasticity of their brains compensates for vision impairment by strengthening and drawing from other senses like proprioception, touch, auditory, and vestibular senses (Davis). The brain is able to fill in any gaps that the Olympians confront in their training or sporting events given enough information from the other senses – with, without, or with impaired vision (Davis).

The existence of vision-impaired Olympians creates an interesting conversation with the research done by Dr. Nick Baker, who studies how the visual system perceives and represents shapes. In his multiple-experiment research study “Constant Curvature Segments as Building Blocks of 2D Shape Representation,” Dr. Baker and his fellow researchers sought to elucidate whether or not constant curvature segments were more recognizable over other types of curvature segments (mathematical curvatures, etc.), as Dr. Baker’s research is based on finding if constant curvature segments are the building blocks of image outline recognition or not (e.g. the shape outline of a ball, chair, car, amorphous random shape, etc.) (Baker et al.). In this specific paper, Dr. Baker and his colleagues found that constant curvature segments were easily recognizable over other types of curvatures, supporting the idea that constant curvature segments could be the basis of how the human visual system recognizes outlines of images (Baker et al.). 

As vision gets blurrier depending on the severity of the eye condition, the need to rely on shapes and outlines along with other senses becomes stronger. In a way, the vision-impaired Olympians, depending on their vision conditions, are living examples of the brain’s reliance on constant curvatures to help in the perception of their surroundings. One athlete, Becky Sauerbrunn of the US soccer team, reported that she could recognize a person by their running gait (Davis). If not for the constant curvatures that outline a person’s running gait, it is possible to assume that Sauerbrunn would’ve struggled more to recognize that person. Additionally, it would be an interesting avenue of research to see whether or not the visualization that these vision-impaired Olympians use in their training (Davis) utilizes constant curvatures – if the brain regions that activate when exposed to constant curvatures are the same regions that activate in a vision-impaired olympian’s brain during a visualization session. While Dr. Baker’s research may not completely apply to how vision-impaired Olympians engage in their athletic performances, it is interesting to outline possible connections between this scientific research and a real-world application.

Baker, Nicholas, et al. “Constant curvature segments as building blocks of 2D shape 

    representation.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 150, no. 8, Aug. 

    2021, pp. 1556–1580, 

Davis, Maya. “These Vision-Impaired Olympic Stars Rely on a ‘sixth Sense’ When They 

    Compete.” CNN, Cable News Network, 5 Aug.



Discovery; a Future in our Understanding of Hepsins role in Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

    As a scientist, it is easy to fall into the habit of looking at data with an end goal in mind. Strictly trying to prove or disprove a hypothesis, one may become selective in evaluating the outcomes of their work. When experimenting with something as complex as a genome, a researcher must be open to questioning the phenotypes that result from their manipulations, regardless of whether they immediately correspond to their predictions. In the case of Dr. Wei-Ming Yu and colleagues, their committed and observant perspective enabled them to look outside the bounds of their current research, and notice an unanticipated phenotype: partial cohort deafness. This observation allowed them to be the first to understand Hepsins’ role in the structural organization and development of the Tectorial Membrane, and ultimately, one's ability to hear. 

Inspired by the observation that a knockout mouse cohort lacking TMPRSS1/hepsin (hepsin) displayed severe hearing loss, Dr. Yu questioned hepsin’s contribution to developing auditory complexes. A major structure responsible for the conversion of mechanical stimulation into electrical is the Tectorial Membrane (TM). This structure is primarily composed of both collagenous and noncollagenous glycoproteins. The noncollagenous glycoproteins alpha tectorin  (TECTA) and beta tectorin (TECTB) were coexpressed with hepsin because they function as crosslinks between TM fibers. They are necessary components of the membrane's compact structure and if disrupted can lead to an inability to hear. Additionally, TECTA and TECTB contain Zona Pellucida (ZP) domains, which are essential to these proteins' polymerization; a process notably facilitated by hepsin: Dr. Yu’s protein of interest. Based on this information, one can theorize that if the expression of hepsin is disrupted or removed, the subsequent production of these glycoproteins would be deficient and lead to a structurally hindered tectorial membrane. To test this, Dr. Yu developed three transgenic mouse lines, all of which were crossed with a hepsin knockout cohort. The tectorial membrane in the initial hepsin knockout cohort was enlarged, perforated, and separated from the anchoring spiral limbus. The hearing threshold in this cohort was severely increased compared to the Wild-Type cohort, meaning their ability to register sound was greatly impaired. The first line, TgRS;KO, expresses a protease-dead mutant of human hepsin, its resulting phenotypic changes were non-functional in terms of restoring the structure of the TM, and its hearing threshold remained high. It is interesting to note that although this line was nonfunctional, it displayed the greatest rate of hepsin expression among the three lines. The second line,Tg5;KO, contained a lower expression of hepsin, and as such did not replenish the production of the tectorins or the structure of the TM. The final line, Tg68;KO, contained a higher expression of hepsin as well as an incomplete restoration of proteins TECTA and TECTB. This line displays a more structurally sound Tectorial Membrane that is partially attached to the spiral limbus. These structural changes may contribute to this line's decreased hearing threshold. Dr. Yu’s results suggest that the reintroduction of human hepsin could partially restore hearing, but that still leaves one to question: what else is necessary for complete auditory restoration?

A recent paper focused on genetic counseling against variants in a different transmembrane serine protease, TMPRSS3. This research assessed how cochlear implants assisted human participants who suffered from autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss. These patients presented both congenital and late-onset hearing loss and this mutated variant resulted in restricted hearing at higher frequencies. This variant causes structural changes to the cochlear ear cells, which may be a key factor in the participants’ loss of hearing. By directly stimulating the auditory nerve and bypassing any damaged structures, the cochlear implants (CI) used in this study offered a positive impact on the patients. On average, the participants who received the CI counseling reported an increase in hearing. 

Although there is a gap in the field regarding humans with diminished or non-existent TMPRSS1 expression, the idea that cochlear implants could bypass structural malformations suggests that individuals with partially attached Tectorial Membranes may benefit from this auditory therapy. However, this potential hearing restoration may only be applicable to individuals with partially attached TM. If it is determined at a pre-embryonic state that the offspring will present completely detached TM, early genetic intervention will likely be necessary, as proposed by Dr. Yu. These two therapies working in concert offer a foundation for future studies regarding restoring hearing to those deficient in hepsin/TMPRSS1.

Guipponi, M., Molina, F., Fasquelle, L., Nouvian, R., Salvetat, N., Scott, H. S., Puel, J. L., & Delprat, B. (2002). Tmprss3 loss of function impairs cochlear inner hair cell Kcnma1 channel membrane expression. Human Molecular Genetics, 22(7), 1289-1299.

Moon, I. S., Grant, A. R., Sagi, V., Rehm, H. L., & Stankovic, K. M. (2021). TMPRSS3 Gene Variants With Implications for Auditory Treatment and Counseling. Frontiers in Genetics, 12, 780874.

Yu, Wei-Ming. (2024). Critical role of hepsin/TMPRSS1 in hearing and tectorial membrane morphogenesis: insights from transgenic mouse models.

Face-to-Screen: Linking Inhibitory Control Development and Screen Time

The pre-frontal cortex (PFC), the part of our brain usually associated with executive function, also has connections to inhibitory control (IC). During the first couple of years of life, the PFC develops the ability of IC as it matures. IC is the capacity to self-regulate certain behaviors that would be considered inappropriate due to the circumstance or environment. The development of IC is important during the first few years of life since children typically begin preschool, which is a new setting for children to adjust to. Since IC plays a significant role in classroom behavior and school transitions, increased capacity for IC has been associated with higher academic achievement and learning outcomes. In the classroom, children who have difficulty waiting for their turn in line or children who are hyper and excited all the time are examples of potentially having lower IC. 

While environmental factors, such as caregiving, can also affect IC, research reflects that IC's ability largely depends on the functional capacity of the PFC. In Dr. Bell’s research study, electroencephalogram (EEG) activity during rest from the ages of 10 months to 4 years old was measured. For IC and academic capability, the amount of change in frontal alpha power at age 4 could be used as a predictor for these abilities, as well as an association of better results on the Woodcock-Johnson math and reading tests at age 6. These changes in EEG also reflected in vocabulary abilities at age 4, but they were unable to be found in association with other academic skills. Yet, IC and PFC development is still linked to language ability and development.

As technology has become increasingly accessible, children have been exposed to more screen time than ever before. The term, “technoference,” which is a combination of the words “technology” and “interference” has become actualized in child and caregiver relationships. There has been a relationship found between toddlers with high levels of screen time having fewer conversations (including listening, speaking, and back-and-forth dialogue) with their caregivers. While technology (especially social media algorithms and on-demand media) has shown alterations to the capacity of IC, these results show an additional decrease in language exposure, face-to-face interactions, and social interactions. Since IC development is linked to environmental factors, such as caregiving, as well as language ability, the increased usage of screens does not promote IC abilities, which also can lead to difficulty educationally in the future. 

To remedy some of the negative effects of screen time in children, it is beneficial to limit screen time, as some of the most significant decreases in words spoken and vocalizations was at 3 years old with an average of 2 hours 52 minutes of screen time daily. By being mindful of what is shown to children and what media they are exposed to, as well as reducing screen time and encouraging face-to-face interactions, these negative effects to IC due to screen exposure can be mitigated.

By: Thérèse Giannini


Baumgaertner, E. (2024). More Screen Time Means Less Parent-Child Talk, Study Finds. New York Times. 

Whedon, M., Perry, N. B., & Bell, M.A. (2020). Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills. Brain and Cognition, 146.


From Silence to Sound: The Advances in Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss

Imagine living in a world where the hum of a gentle breeze, the laughter of your friends, and the catchy beat of your favorite songs are suddenly silenced. For millions living with genetic hearing loss this is not a shocking imagination but a disorienting reality. Yet, on the illustrious horizon of neuroscience research a murmur of hope is growing louder. Recent breakthroughs in gene therapy are promising to rewrite the cacophony of silence aiming to potentially restore the prized gift of sound to those living in a muted world.

Earlier this semester, during Dr. Yu’s talk on his new upcoming article “Critical role of hepsin/TMPRSS1 in hearing and tectorial membrane morphogenesis: insights from transgenic mouse models,” we were introduced to intriguing potential of targeting specific proteases within the TMPRSS family to better understand and combat hearing loss, specifically the hepsin/TMPRSS1 protease. Dr. Yu's research underscored how hepsin/TMPRSS1 mutations are linked to non-syndromic hearing loss as these mutations result in severe hearing loss and abnormal tectorial membrane structure development in mouse models. His findings, particularly those depicting partially restored auditory function and partially restored tectorial membrane structure in transgenic mice with wild type human hepsin, point to exciting possibilities for gene therapies aimed at non-syndromic hearing loss given that hearing loss is such a prevalent sensory deficit especially due to genetic mutations within the human population.

While Dr. Yu's work focused on a specific protease (TMPRSS1), it raises important questions about the broader potential of gene therapy in addressing hearing loss. A recent press release from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals back in May provides a complementary perspective, showcasing how quickly the field of hearing loss gene therapy is steadfastly advancing. In May 2024, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals announced promising results from its currently ongoing Phase 1/2 CHORD trial of DB-OTO which is a gene therapy for Otoferlin-Related Genetic Deafness. In the DB-OTO trial, a child who was dosed at the age of 11 months experienced significant hearing improvements and reached normal hearing levels within a time frame of 24 weeks while another child who was dosed at 4 years old displayed hearing improvements after a time frame of  6 weeks. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals report that both children were born with acute genetic deafness due to otoferlin gene mutations and remark that the therapy was delivered via a single intracochlear injection in conjunction with stating that the children’s hearing improvements were measured using pure tone audiometry (PTA) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) with both methods depicting notable gains in regards to the childrens’ improved auditory function.

Dr. Yu's research on Hepsin/TMPRSS1 and the DB-OTO clinical trial done by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals both emphasize the critical role that specific key genes play in auditory function. While Dr. Yu's work primarily focuses on a protease that affects the tectorial membrane (TMPRSS1), the DB-OTO gene therapy targets the Otoferlin gene which is essential for the correct functioning of hair cells located within the inner ear. This concurrent exploration of different research avenues underscores a crucial point, that genetic hearing deficits can arise unpredictably from different genetic mutations. As a result, developing successful therapies may necessitate a comprehensive, multifaceted approach. The DB-OTO clinical trial represents a large step forward in the right direction in regards to translating genetic research (like that of Dr. Yu’s) into potential medical treatments for hearing loss. Despite the DB-OTO clinical trial addressing one specific form of genetic hearing loss, it is imperative to understand that this approach towards the Otoferlin gene could pave the way for similar genetic therapies targeting other genes, including those such as TMPRSS1 within the TMPRSS family that Dr. Yu discussed. The DB-OTO clinical trial offers valuable insights as it suggests that while focusing on individual genes can lead to targeted therapies towards one specific mutation, ultimately, a comprehensive approach may be necessary to address the diverse genetic causes of hearing loss.

The combination of basic scientific research such as Dr. Yu's work on hepsin/TMPRSS1 and clinical trial advancements such as the DB-OTO trial paint an exciting picture for the future of genetic hearing loss treatments. As the understanding of the genetic intricacies of hearing loss continues to amass, so does the ability to develop targeted therapies towards genetic hearing loss. 

While it is still too early to say whether future gene therapies should focus on specific common genetic mutations or target multiple genes simultaneously, the progress that is being made in the literature underscores that both approaches may have their vital place within the realm of medicine. As we eagerly await the results of the ongoing DB-OTO trial and follow the concurrent research into genes like TMPRSS1 or Otoferlin, one thing is evident. We are now entering into a golden age in the treatment of genetic hearing loss, one that holds immense hope for millions of people globally.


Yu, W.-M., Lin, S.-W., Chung, F.-L., Liu, T.-C., Wu, C.-C., Pan, J.-Y., Chen, L.-F., Yen, A. C. C., Fang, M.-C., Hung, C.-J., Yeh, P., Hsu, Y.-C., & Yang, T.-H. (2024). Critical role of hepsin/TMPRSS1 in hearing and tectorial membrane morphogenesis: insights from transgenic mouse models. ms, Chicago. 

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (2024, May 8). Latest DB-OTO Results Show Dramatically Improved Hearing To Normal Levels In A Child With Profound Genetic Deafness Within 24 Weeks And Initial Hearing Improvements In A Second Child At 6 Weeks. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. 

The Relationship Between Screen Time and Developmental Delays at 4 Years of Age.

    Past work, such as that done by Dr. Martha Ann Bell, has shown the importance of prefrontal cortex development in brain maturation and adolescent academic achievement. Dr. Bell’s research has primarily used data from a longitudinal cohort study of 410 typically developing children. In the 2020 article, Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills, only data from 364 participants is used for analysis due to the exclusion of other participants. 

    Additionally, research, including work done by Takahashi and colleagues, has shown developmental delays in tasks related to prefrontal cortex functioning, such as abilities in problem solving tasks, due to increased screen time in childhood. The participants in this study came from the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Birth and Three-Generation Cohort Study, with 7097 child/mother pairs being in the analysis in the article, Screen Time at Age 1 Year and Communication and Problem-Solving Developmental Delay at 2 and 4 years. The participants were all considered typically-developing. This study measured screen time at one year through a self-measure from the mother on how many hours of screen time a child was allowed on a typical day, and sorted into five response categories: no screen time, less than one hour, one to two hours, two to four hours, or over four hours of screen time a day. This study measured child development using the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3). Parents completed the questionnaire, and were questioned about child development at ages 2 and 4. 

    The Takahashi study found that there was an association between longer screen time at age one and developmental delays (specifically in communication and problem-solving) at both two and four years. Additionally, though not reported as a major finding, Takahashi and colleagues found that increased screen time at one year of age was associated with delays in fine motor and social skills in two years but not four years. Furthermore, the developmental delays found at both two and four years were most significant when more than four hours of screen time a day was reported at one year of age. 

    Altogether, while the Takahashi study does not use EEG data like Dr. Bell’s work, the fact that both studies look at development as a process, and the fact that both studies use longitudinal, cohort data for analysis makes the studies comparable. 


Takahashi, I., Obara, T., Ishikuro, M., Murakami, K., Ueno, F., Noda, A., Onuma, T., Shinoda, G., Nishimura, T., Tsuchiya, K. J., Kuriyama, S. (2023). Screen time at age 1 year and communication and problem-solving developmental delay at 2 and 4 years. JAMA Pediatr. 177(10), 1039-1046. 

Whedon, M., Perry, N. B., & Bell, M. A. (2020). Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children's early academic skills. Brain and cognition, 146, 105636.

Early Childhood Development and the Full Potential for Academic Success

It is generally accepted that the first few years of a child’s life are the tender, crucial phase of maturation for the rest of their lives. Neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity influence a child’s cognitive and other developmental skills, which are vital to their functions into adolescence and adulthood. Such phenomena occur within several brain regions as the child develops and matures, such as the prefrontal cortex with inhibitory control, resulting in a steady increase in skill proficiency and learning acquisition in domains such as academics, where a child may thrive dependent on their development. Early academic nurturing and achievement are ideal scenarios for a child’s future educational success and, as such, are viewed as critical areas of concern as they grow older. To evaluate the components of a child’s inclination to academic success, electroencephalography (EEG) may be used to measure and assess the neurodevelopment of cognitive and social skills. In an article titled “Relations between frontal EEG maturation and Inhibitory Control in Preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills” by Dr. Martha Ann Bell et al., the study employed EEG to measure a child’s resting state electroencephalogram activity from increases in frontal alpha power and its correlation to the development of inhibitory control, which is responsible for the ability to withdraw from engaging in impulsive or inappropriate behavior: factors important for acquiring skills in mathematics and reading. In a similar article by Dr. Supriya Bhavnani et al., titled “EEG signatures of cognitive and social development of preschool children–a systematic review,” the study underwent an alternative approach with EEG to measure the cognitive and social skills of children as they develop executive function, learning, memory, and the influences of age, gender, and socioeconomic status. To be able to determine the neurodevelopmental facilities of a child is an outstanding achievement, as it may allow future research to create interventions for those at risk for difficulties in academics due to a variety of factors, such as ADHD, giving hope to those to not be defined nor constrained by their dispositions beyond their control.

Dr. Bell’s research delved into the correlations between prefrontal cortex maturation and inhibitory control. It had been established that between the ages of 10 months and 3 years, prefrontal cortex maturation was observed through substantial increases in frontal alpha power, consistent with the cyclical periods of neurogenesis and synaptic pruning at this age range. The study also found that the resting frontal alpha power was positively correlated to inhibitory control; in further observation, Dr. Bell’s study concluded that children who demonstrate higher increases in frontal alpha power, or prefrontal maturation, often had higher inhibitory control once they were around 4 years old, the milestone when prefrontal cortex maturation declined in power values. The greater the values at age milestones, such as higher frontal alpha power from 10 months to 4 years, the greater the linguistic acquisition and comprehension, and by extension, skills in mathematics and reading. Interestingly enough, in the seminar featuring Dr. Bell, she explained that children with lower EEG alpha power values were later diagnosed with ADHD or other symptoms of ASD post-EEG examination, indicating that there is perhaps a biomarker in determining the likelihood for atypical neural development. While the research shows strong promise for determining the academic affinity in preschool and perhaps beyond from the developmental years of the age of a toddler to early childhood, Dr. Bell explains that limitations of early temperament, a parent’s education, and other socioeconomic factors were not necessarily accounted for in determining the maturation of their child. 

In a separate collaborative study by Dr. Supriya Bhavnani et al., they were also interested in the academic potential of preschool children and the risks they may be vulnerable to as they mature, resulting from factors like age, gender, and socioeconomic circumstances. In this review, alpha power in the medial frontal region was also a component of EEG and event-related potential (ERP, or the brain response to a sensory, cognitive, or motor event that retrieves data from EEG recordings), providing insight into the measurement of tasks involving cognitive and social development. Like Dr. Bell’s study, this review found that age 4 was where strides in cognition, precisely executive function, excelled when experiencing rates of high maturation. Aside from EEGs, the study utilized a comprehensive series of tasks and stimuli to evaluate the cognition and social development of children aged 2-5 years, which shares a similar overlap with the age ranges of children in Dr. Bell’s experiment. After the investigation, the results of this study indirectly reinforce Dr. Bell’s findings and address the limitations of “Relations between frontal EEG maturation and Inhibitory Control in Preschool in the prediction of children’s early academic skills.”

The study by Dr. Bhavanani et al. observed developmental changes across the aims of age, gender, and socioeconomic status from cross-sectional EEG data from various age ranges. This notes the non-linear shift in maturation as the brain develops, with varying EEG markers reflecting changes in maturation and the growth of cognitive abilities with age. One study noted that there were no significant associations due to gender differences, thus ruling out gender as a contributing factor to cognition and social development, especially to academic success. Those that have high LPP (Late Positive Potential, a biomarker for emotional development) have demonstrated higher emotional self-regulation later in life, thus showing the factor in determining socio-emotional development. As for socioeconomic status differences, large amplitudes in delays within tasks such as auditory attention, executive function, and social-emotional stimuli reception were observed in low-SES children compared to high-SES, yet no observable differences were seen in other cognition tasks. The study explains its limitations in the inability to honestly evaluate the scope of SES but speculates that other studies show that low SES may correlate to delayed resting state and frontal lobe maturation, thus affecting inhibition control and academic success. In regards to social development, children, as they grow, become more receptive to positive and negative emotional and facial stimuli. As a whole, this study seeks to improve and access children who are at high risk for developing hurdles later in life in the pursuit of education to ensure they reach their full potential. However, more data and harmonization of future studies are required to thoroughly investigate the risk factors present in children across age, gender, and SES to properly create interventions.

Ultimately, both studies highlight a key concern and hope for the future for the next generation of children. With the intent to recognize and discern the variables that contribute and implicate facets of academic success rooted in cognition, social skills, and other factors related to growth, each study focuses on its own perspective through the usage of EEG to evaluate and assess children. Dr. Bell’s and Dr. Bhavnani’s research advocates for further empirical support of resources to help contribute to the maturation of a child’s vulnerable and inquisitive mind. In doing so, these children may achieve better academic performance and success in various ways later in life.


Bhavnani, S., Lockwood Estrin, G., Haartsen, R., Jensen, S. K. G., Gliga, T., Patel, V., & Johnson, M. H. (2021). EEG signatures of cognitive and social development of preschool children-a systematic review. PloS one, 16(2), e0247223.

Whedon, M., Perry, N. B., & Bell, M. A. (2020). Relations between frontal EEG maturation and inhibitory control in preschool in the prediction of children's early academic skills. Brain and cognition, 146, 105636.