By Allison Mohan
All science involves data. Scientists
collect and interpret data every day. The information gathered from research
can be applied to everyday life. Science strives to find answers and to make
the world a better place. This can be done by collecting data and analyzing
patterns. Computers have provided scientists with the opportunity to have data
processed and analyzed at greater speeds and magnitudes as time goes on, and
they are now necessary in the fast-paced and growing world we live in.
Mark Albert, PhD has advocated for
the necessity of scientists, particularly neuroscientists, to have at least a
basic understanding of computer science.
In a research article he coauthored, “Could a Neuroscientist Understand
a Microprocessor?,” an argument is made that “current analytic approaches in
neuroscience may fall short of producing meaningful understanding of neural systems,
regardless of the amount of data.” The brain is complex, and at the same time,
a lot of data on the brain is being collected every day by researchers. But how
can someone confidently interpret the data of something that they do not understand?
How is there any way to know that a conclusion is reliable? Albert argues “for testing
approaches using known artifacts, where the correct interpretation is known.”
Albert says that many modern neuroscience methods rely primarily on reporting correlations,
and a mass of such correlation experiments alone are not sufficient enough to
understand the brain as well as we can understand computers such as
microprocessors. Albert believes that
scientific knowledge needs to be externalized. Computer models are clear and can
be understood.

Albert argues that neuroscientists
should possess an understanding of computer science in order to analyze the
brain in more reliable ways. Marcus argues that the brain is a type of biological
computer, and therefore should be researched as such. To Marcus, conquering
understanding of the brain is, put simply, just a matter of figuring out “what
kind of computer” it is. Both believe that
the brain needs to be approached in research differently. Conclusions drawn
about the brain will be more reliable when the brain is approached using
analytical techniques that have already been proven correct on known objects,
such as computers. Information gathered about the brain will be more reliably transferred
to others through computer models. And, maybe, using Marcus’s analogy, there
will come a day when we can identify what type of computer the brain truly is.
It, Your Brain is a Computer.” Marcus, Gary. 27 June 2015.
a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor?” Jonas, Eric et al. 2017.
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