Dr. Steidl’s research and those in the
department of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford and Department of
Neuroscience at Tufts University’s School of Medicine (Stephanie Trouche, Pavel
Perestenko, Gido can de Ven, Claire Brately, Colin McNamara, Natalia
Campo-Urriza, S Lucas Black, Leon Reijmers, and David Dupret) both utilized
place preference and optogenetics to study the effects drugs of abuse in
relation to spatial memory on the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and hippocampus
respectively. Optogenetics were employed in both experiments in order to
selectively activate specific brain areas associated with chambers of the place
preference apparatus.
![]() |
Place Preference Maze with two unique chambers (left and right) and center common chamber |
Dr. Steidl excited two populations of
laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (LDTg), one glutamatergic and the other
cholinergic, to increase dopamine levels in the VTA. Optogenetics was used to
selectively activate these LDTg populations in order to pair dopamine release
with one of the chambers in the place preference apparatus. During the final
place preference task, the mice showed significantly more light-paired chamber
entries than unpaired chamber entries when LDTg-glutamatergic pathways were
activated and an increased amount of time spent in the light-paired chamber
when LDTg-cholinergic pathways were activated (Steidl et. al, 2017). This
indicated that LDTg-glutamatergic pathways were more important for the
reinforcement of chamber entries, while LDTg-cholinergic pathways were more
important for the reinforcement of time spent in the chamber (Steidl et. al,
Oxford and Tufts University used c-fos-based approach to optogenetics to
silence hippocampal neurons when the mouse is in specific environments. The
optogenetic virus was injected bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampal CA1 of
the c-fos-tTA transgenic mice. CA1 principle cells “contribute to adaptive
memories by providing the brain with neuronal engrams that represent the
spatial context of life events” (Trouche et. al, 2016). They then paired a drug
of abuse, cocaine, with a specific environment and found that when mice were
reintroduced to the cocaine-paired environment, without recent drug
administration, the same CA1 neurons were recruited when the mouse was under
the drug’s influence and when not. This created a cocaine-place preference;
however, when the CA1 was silenced, the mice no longer showed a cocaine-place
preference. This absence of cocaine-place preference was caused by “shifted
neuronal activity from [the cocaine-paired environment] to the alternative
[neuronal] subset” that was previously conditioned in the mice (Trouche et. al,
2016). “This intervention neutralized an otherwise long-lasting drug-place
preference… by disengaging the initially recruited neurons while enabling
previously quiet neurons to emerge and provide an alternative representation
(Trouche et. al, 2016). The results are not reversed by drug-priming, as would
happen in regular extinction, and therefore is an effective method to “reset
spatial strategies” and eliminate maladaptive behavior (Trouche et. al, 2016).
Both Dr. Steidl and the research done
by Oxford and Tufts University illustrated the usefulness of optogenetics as a
tool in neuroscientific research. Its ability to selectively activate brain
processes, such as neurotransmitter-specific axon pathways and specific cell
groups, allows for the manipulation of living tissue in real-time. The linking
of optogenetic laser activation to the neurological experience of drugs of
abuse allowed for both experiments to create drug-place preference. In Dr.
Steidl’s research this allowed him to distinguish between the synaptic pathways
he was testing and the Oxford and Tufts University research used it to pair the
activation of specific neuronal group with an environment strong enough to
override the drug-place preference. These techniques have allowed
neuroscientists to conduct research with increased temporal and spatial
resolution and increased precision.
“Place Preference
Maze.” Www.mazeengineers.com, 2017,
Steidl, S., Wang, H.,
Ordonez, M., Zhang, S., & Morales, M. (2017). Optogenetic excitation in the
ventral tegmental area of glutamatergic or cholinergic inputs from the
laterodorsal tegmental area drives reward. European
Journal of Neuroscience,45, 559-571.
Trouche, S.,
Perestenko, P. V., Van de Ven, G. M., Brately, C. T., McNamara, C. G.,
Campo-Urriza, N., . . . Dupret, D. (2016). Recoding a cocaine-place memory
engram to a neutral engram in the hippocampus. Nature
Neuroscience,19, 564-567. Retrieved October 1, 2017, from www.nature.com.
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