Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Multitasking Future Actions

    What if human beings were able to "predict" future actions and be prepared to respond accordingly in a matter so as to multitask? One can say this similar to the concept of muscle memory. However, this is not the case. Muscle memory is different, for it is the product of motor learning through procedural memory. What I am discussing here is what is known as the "parallel action regulation hypothesis." This hypothesis refers to the concept that actions that are to occur in the near future are sequenced and regulated in parallel, meaning multiple actions can be "readily" activated with decreasing potential. This hypothesis takes the process of serial inhibition and expands on it. I will also discuss serial inhibition through retina ganglion activity.

    In the article "Parallel Regulation of Past, Present, and Future Actions During Sequencing," by Behmer et. al. (2018), the researchers present some of the earliest human data present on the parallel action regulation hypothesis via direct tests. They were able to do so by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), in that the TMS highlighted the excitation of flexion in the right index finger of a subject while typing. As the subjects continued to type, there was less action potential due to the parallel regulation occurring. It was discovered that a serial inhibition process could be suggested to regulate future actions (in parallel) while sequencing. 

    In the article "Sensitivity to Image Recurrence Across Eye-movement-like Image Transitions Through Local Serial Inhibition in the Retina" by Krishnamoorthy et. al. (2017), the researchers used mouse models to study encoding of stimuli in the retina. They furthered existing research by finding that certain ganglion cells are suppressed in the retina upon viewing various visual patterns, and when a pattern is repeated, they are activated via a sudden spike burst. In other words, "rapid image transitions" lead to a local serial inhibition process in the retina that is regulated via Glycine and GABA inhibition. 

    Both articles show that due to serial inhibition, it is possible to decrease successive action potentials needed to stimulate a response. It may be possible to take the results of the Behmer et. al. study and procure a new study in which decision-making could be studied in such a way so as to see if it is possible to "program" the brain to complete certain actions that would be otherwise conscious in an unconscious manner, due to the parallel sequencing already planning ahead for the completion of said action. The Krishanmoorthy et. al. study only furthers this potential future study by confirming the effects of the serial inhibition process, as well as the parallel action regulation hypothesis.


Behmer, Lawrence & Jantzen, Kelly & Martinez, Sarah & Walls, Rachel & Amir-Brownstein, Elisabeth & Jaye, Andrew & Leytze, Mckaila & Lucier, Kathleen & Crump, Matthew. (2018). Parallel Regulation of Past, Present, and Future Actions During Sequencing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 44. 10.1037/xhp0000507. 

Krishnamoorthy, V., Weick, M., & Gollisch, T. (2017). Sensitivity to image recurrence across eye-movement-like image transitions through local serial inhibition in the retina. ELife, 6. doi:10.7554/elife.22431

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