Friday, October 14, 2022

Bionics: Providing Us With the Ability To Gesture

     In our present society, gestures allow us to communicate with one another and share our emotions: happiness or anger. They are part of a broader category commonly known as body language which is a further emphasis of verbal communication. This is most commonly seen in the traditional classroom, where a teacher stands at the front, and lectures to the class about a new topic using visuals to explain(hand gestures, colored markers, whiteboards). Through previous research, we have a general understanding of the importance of gestures. For example, during speech, gestures can help facilitate instruction and communication. However, our current knowledge is very limited. We still do not fully understand the infinite number of roles that gestures play in our daily lives. Additionally, we have not yet fully explored the neurobiological or psychological basis by which gestures provide value to humans. This topic is being further explored by researchers to better comprehend gestures, their role, impact, and importance in various aspects of life.

To address a part of this knowledge gap, Dr. Elizabeth Wakefeild investigated the underlying mechanisms in gesture-based, speech facilitated learning. In her paper, Gesture Helps Learners Learn, But Not Merely By Guiding Their Visual Attention, researchers used eye tracking to measure corneal reflection of students in a math class. Students were split into two groups receiving speech instruction alone or speech-gesture instruction. Findings showed that students in the speed-gestures instruction group performed significantly better in accuracy. This helps to clarify the importance of the role of gestures in instruction. Moreover, by using eye tracking to measure corneal reflection of students in a math class, researchers were able to observe the relationship between gestures and attention. Wakefield and her team found that gestures did not affect the speed with which information was learned. Rather, it helps improve the retention of the information, meaning gestures allow students to keep the math information in their memory. This work helps provide evidence to the idea that gestures help guide focus, especially when paired with speech, since both are processed simultaneously. This helps highlight the use of gestures to highlight, shift, and direct attention.
While gestures, like physical movements, are very important, not everyone has the ability to use this vital tool to aid them in their communication. For example those born without limbs or who have lost limbs due to horrible accidents, do not have this ability. On a psychological level, being without a limb can have a detrimental impact, causing one to feel a sense of loss or absence. Moreover this can lead to issues of social stigmatization, difficulty with social integration and social communication. Luckily, artificial limbs can be designed to take the place of limbs in some cases. This is how the field of prosthetics is quickly emerging. Prosthetics are important because an artificial limb can allow a person to participate in daily activities, gain mobility, and remain independent. It can provide some solution to hurdles faced by those facing limb loss.
This was the case for Australian swimmer, Jessica Smith, who was born without an arm. Her parents were always advised to have her fitted for a prosthesis, however due to a childhood tragedy, she had a negative relationship with prosthetics. However, after being approached by Covvi, Jessica decided to try on its Nexus Hand. The Nexus hand prosthetic is a bionic hand. This means that it converts and transfers electrical impulse from the muscles of the upper arm to movement. The new technology incorporated into the model allows Jessica to function like never before. Now she is able to hold items, open boxes and more. Most importantly, her new arm will allow her to communicate better and more easily with those around her. While she may be able to understand those around her easily, especially those who use gesture-communication, now, they will be able to understand her with the same ease. This product is the first of its kind to hit consumer markets. This makes it all the more special and powerful. Overall, Jessica enjoys the new bionic arm since it has changed her life and strengthened her interactions with others. It is so interesting to see how expansions in technology can be linked with psychological advancement!

Works Cited

Keszler, Heckman, J. T., Kaufman, G. E., & Morgenroth, D. C. (2018). Advances in Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Limb Loss. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 30(2), 423–437.Keszler, Heckman, J. T., Kaufman, G. E., & Morgenroth, D. C. (2018). Advances in Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Limb Loss. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 30(2), 423–437.

Person, and Paul Sandle. “Bionic Hand Can Be Updated with New Gestures, Anytime, Anywhere.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 16 Aug. 2022.

Wakefield, Elizabeth, et al. “Gesture Helps Learners Learn, but Not Merely by Guiding Their Visual Attention.” Developmental Science, vol. 21, no. 6, 2018, p. e12664–n/a.

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