Friday, March 4, 2022

Neuronal Regeneration in Spinal Cord Injuries

Neuronal regeneration in the spine is a very important and innovative area in modern research. In the article "The effect of a nanofiber-hydrogel composite on neural tissue repair and regeneration in the contused spinal cord" by Li, et al. researchers worked on an injectable nanofiber-hydrogel composite in order to provide mechanical strength and tested these findings in an adult rat model to find neural tissue regeneration. They found that after 28 days, the width of the spinal cord segment doubles using NHC. Results also showed a 2-fold increase in M2/M1 macrophage ratio, 5-fold higher blood vessel density, 2.6-fold increase in immature neuron presence, and a 2.4 fold increase in axon density. Results also showed a similar glare scar presence when compared to controls. Their findings also supported the fact that NHC provided mechanical support for the spine and allowed neurogenesis. Finally, findings also indicated that NHC supported pro-regenerative macrophage polarization, angiogenesis, axon growth, and neurogenesis in injured tissue. This provides a huge, ground-breaking insight into accelerating injured spinal neurons.

SCI (Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury) is a life-changing injury that often leaves patients paralyzed and has an extremely negative impact on the patient’s quality of life. In the article “Human 3D Spinal Cord Implants Restore Walking in Mice with Long-Term Paralysis”, it is discussed that students at Tel Aviv University have worked on functioning 3D spinal cord implants, while using human tissue samples. This method had a whopping 80% success rate and uses that same development of the spinal cord as seen in human embryos. More specifically, they used cell therapy, using induced pluripotent stem-cell derived neurons in order to try and regenerate the spinal cord, however, this approach hasn’t been completely successful. So, instead, researchers decided to try and mimic the embryonic spinal cord development. They explain that “In principle, in this approach, a small piece of fatty tissue biopsy is extracted from a patient and the cellular and acellular materials are separated. While the cells are reprogrammed to become iPSCs, the ECM is processed to become a personalized hydrogel.” This approach has been found to be quite successful on animal models, more specifically mice. When tested on mice, 100% of mice with acute paralysis and 80% of those with chronic paralysis, all gained their ability to walk again.

Although these two studies do not use the exact same mechanisms of neuronal regeneration of the spinal cord, they have the same goals in mind. Both are working to accelerate the process of spinal cord healing, to eventually help patients and victims of paralysis. In the first study, researchers used an injectable composite to regain ability and mechanical strength, whereas the second article used a piece of tissue as a stem cell to regenerate the spinal cord neurons. These approaches, when used together, have the potential of accelerating spinal cord neuron regeneration, and bringing hope to those who are paralyzed through life-changing injuries.

Ktori, S. (2022, February 8). Human 3D spinal cord implants restore walking in mice with long-term paralysis. GEN. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from 

Li, X., Zhang, C., Haggerty, A. E., Yan, J., Lan, M., Seu, M., Yang, M., Marlow, M. M., Maldonado-LasunciĆ³n, I., Cho, B., Zhou, Z., Chen, L., Martin, R., Nitobe, Y., Yamane, K., You, H., Reddy, S., Quan, D. P., Oudega, M., & Mao, H. Q. (2020). The effect of a nanofiber-hydrogel composite on neural tissue repair and regeneration in the contused spinal cord. Biomaterials245, 119978.


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