Friday, March 1, 2024

Concerns of AI in Healthcare

  The rise of AI on all platforms has not come without concern. Using AI in healthcare has a multitude of concerns. The use of AI to handle patient data has become very common in the healthcare space. The question arises, is this ethical? The issue with using AI in patient records is if it is still upholding patient confidentiality. AI, though convenient also has its fair share of setbacks, one of those being it is easy to hack into. So,  storing patients' personal health records using AI leaves them susceptible to being hacked, thus breaking the patient confidentiality that all patients have the right to. 

Despite this setback, the use of AI can be really helpful in the healthcare process. It has been used now to analyze patient data, as well as form treatment plans. This process allows for the patient to have more time with their healthcare provider and less of a wait time to get results or treatment options. Telemedicine has also been used heavily since the rise of COVID-19, making healthcare accessible from home instead of having to leave home.  AI also allows for quicker progress on the administrative side of healthcare, it helps with the research and understanding of filing patient data. 

    The rise of AI in healthcare has both its ups and downs. There is no telling if the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa.  Using AI has to come with some type of caution, one solution could be leaving out super confidential information if using AI in patient records, to still protect patient confidentiality. The use of AI is crucial in furthering the healthcare system and making it the most efficient for all patients. 


Moore, Sarah. “Ethical Considerations in AI-Driven Healthcare.” News, 6 Nov. 2023,,data%20breaches%20and%20unauthorized%20access. 

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