Friday, March 1, 2024

The Circadian Rhythm and Its Role in Our Well-Being

     Sleep plays an essential role in maintaining our mental and physical health, but its importance is undermined in sustaining a modern lifestyle. Receiving sufficient sleep is integral for healthy cognitive function, physical health, and emotional well-being. Our internal clock, the circadian rhythm, is responsible for regulating many biological processes, such as metabolism and hormone production. However, this cycle is easily disrupted by factors such as diet, technology, and stress, resulting in irregular sleep patterns. 

    In the article by Keith C. Summa and Fred W. Turek, “Circadian Desynchrony and Health”, Turek details the biological effects that irregular sleep has on the human body. Various processes are heavily impacted, like the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and microbiome, due to irregular and insufficient sleep.  Many diseases are linked to and cause my desynchrony in the circadian rhythm. This issue causes various physical disorders and diseases, as well as a severe toll on mental well-being. This article goes on to explain that in our modern society, we must maintain a balance between the external environment we live in and our circadian rhythm.     

    A study titled “The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications,” explains the importance of sufficient sleep for a good mental and physical quality of life. The results of the study show an increased likelihood of cardiovascular dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, and impaired cognitive function to all be linked with poor sleep. The results of the study show that chronically sleep-deprived people are more likely to have an increase in risk-taking behaviors, irritability, and lapses in attention. There is also a decrease in cognitive processes like problem-solving and planning. Seeing as these are major components that are poorly impacted by the lack of sleep, there are many ways that the circadian rhythm can be stabilized and brought on track to avoid and relieve some of this dysfunction. The authors encourage decreased use of technology before bed, more realistic wake-up times, and strong coping mechanisms for stress. These are all methods that are shown to improve sleep and result in better mental and physical health. 

            Decreasing the importance of sleep in this modern society has led to an increase in many chronic health issues, as shown in Turek’s article and the study. However, understanding the implications of this regarding mental and physical well-being is crucial to lead a healthier and balanced lifestyle. 


Chattu, Vijay Kumar et al. "The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications." Healtcare (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 7,1 20 Dec. 2018, doi: 10.3390/healthcare7010001

Summa, K.C., & Turek, F. W. (2014). Circadian deshyncrony and health. Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine. https://doi.oeg/10.1016/b978-0-323-65403-6.00029-9

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