Friday, February 27, 2015

Mindfulness-The link between Religion and psychopathy
According to the article “Can ‘Mindfulness’ Help Students Do Better in School?”, there are more schooling systems finding value in teacher guided mindfulness/meditation techniques. These techniques are guided by the teacher to engage students in reflective thinking and controlled breathing. Through research based neurology, studies have found reduction in stress, depression, and anxiety as well as increases in self esteem, concentration, and academic performance (Holland 1). This breadth of information regarding mindfulness has convinced a celebrity figure, Goldie Hawn, to advocate educational systems of the importance of mindfulness. MindUP is an organization created by Goldie Hawn to implement mindfulness into academic environments, and finance further research projects on the outcomes of mindfulness practices with students. Some proponents of mindfulness practices propose more involvement in school curriculum to establish more efficiency and better overall well being. On the other hand, the opposition suggests that mindfulness is “Buddhist practices in disguise” (Holland 1). Opponents feel that a public institution should not be partaking in a religious practice, which could potentially influence students. The future practicing of mindfulness within the school room is unknown due to the positive and negative responses from the public.
By addressing James Fallon’s “The Psychopath Inside”, the debatable mindfulness practices can be viewed through a unique, neurological opinion. Fallon’s novel describes his first hand account of dealing with neurological deficiencies, while incorporating scientific facts regarding brain functioning. In particular, Fallon addresses the nature versus nurture debate in regards to neurological development. Extreme cases of psychopaths, for example, are “high incidence of early childhood physical, emotional, or sexual abuse” (Fallon 90). This indicates that significant stressors in early childhood could have detrimental effects. Besides environmental factors, generations of familial history can influence behavior through epigenetic marking. Defining environmental and genetic development occurs throughout a child’s life. Furthermore, environmental stressors can cause physiological changes as well. The integration of nature and nurture provides an insight on educational practices of young children. With the significant potential damage of stress in a child’s life, it provides more support as to the importance of mindfulness practices. Children cannot control their environment nor genetic make-up; however, they can develop strategies on handling stress. By looking at the extreme cases of changes due to stress, it can shed light on how mindfulness should be viewed from an academic performance. Rather than making an issue of religion, the well being of the children should be a priority in the classroom. Five minutes of self reflection could potentially reset a young student’s emotional and cognitive abilities. The benefits may outweigh any objections that are making a case for a religious debate.


Works Cited

Fallon, James H. The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain. New York: Current, 2013. Print.

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