Our body is
all synched up to one central clock, the Superchiasmatic Nucles(SCN), which is found in the
hypothalamus near the crossing of the optic nerves. The mere fact that it is so
close to the optic nerves explains why these light and dark cues are so
prevalent in determining the clock in which all of our body’s clocks are
synched with. Yes, there is not just one
clock in the body, different parts on our body need to function at different
times and therefore have molecular timing mechanisms of their own, but in the
end they all report to the SCN. Some clocks are regulated by external stimulus,
whereas others are due to a constant internal time keeping mechanism.
In the
morning, the body is physically preparing itself to metabolize nutrients to
have enough energy to meet the demands of the day and so it is a good idea to
eat a decent breakfast. At night the body is preparing itself for sleep so it starts
shutting off these energy expensive processes a few hours before you usually
sleep in anticipation. Allison Andrews explains, “the clock in the
pancreas, for instance, has to start releasing insulin to deal with the meal.
And, research suggests, this late-night munching may start to reset the clock
in the organ. The result? Competing time cues.” The competition in these cues
leads homeostatic irregularities that can lead to obesity or even Type 2
Diabetes if these irregularities happen often enough.
Allison. "Circadian Surprise: How Our Body Clocks Help Shape Our
Waistlines." NPR. NPR, 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Oct. 2015.
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