Memory is
one of the most important processes that our brain does. It allows us to make
sense of our world and learn from experiences. Without a doubt, memory is one
of the hardest subjects to study in neuroscience. One of the reason that memory
is so hard to study is the fact that it is not a skill, but a collection of skills.
It involves many aspects of consciousness and can be affected by different
means. If you were asked to recall an event, say a dinner last week, your brain
will use different areas in order to create the image of the event. What you
were eating, smelling, experiencing, and feeling at that particular time,
combine in order to create the mental picture of the dinner. Not only that, but
stuff learned after the dinner could also
play a role in how your brain constructs the memory. For example, you might have
really enjoyed the dinner right after you left the restaurant, but if all the friends
that were with you really hated the food you might begin to think the
experience wasn’t as good as you thought. It is for this reason that researchers
have come to understand that memories are not rigid, but fluid constructs that
depend on multiple levels of reasoning. For this reason, one of the most common
tools to improve memory is increasing the associations between the concepts.
As explained in an
article from TIME magazine, one study had its participants draw an object that
represented a simple word in the hopes of improving its recall. The word was
always something simple, like balloon or stick, and the time that participants
spent drawing was controlled for. For example, the participants had to memorize
a random lists of words by either looking at each individual word for 10
seconds or drawing the words in the same time. This was done in order to ensure
that any benefits in the participant’s recall were due to an actual benefit of
the associations instead of simply having more time to think about the object
while they were being drawn. The researchers reasoned that having a visual, as
well as a mental processing of the concept would lead to increased associations
and subsequently better recall of the words. They were correct. No matter how
much time the participants spent memorizing the words one thing was consistent:
drawing the words led to better recall accuracy.
However, our brains might not even need to be consciously
processing associations between concepts in order to see benefits in our memory.
As seen in Dr. Vargas’s study, pairing newly learned information with sound
cues during REM sleep led to spatial recall advantages. In this study,
participants were first taught to associate unique objects to specific
locations on a computer monitor. Each object was also paired with a sound cue
(for example, kettle was paired with a whistle sound). The participants would
then take a nap with an unobtrusive white noise in the background. During the
non-REM stage, these participants were cued with some of the characteristic sounds
of the objects. After the participants were awaken, they would attempt to place
the objects on their corresponding locations in the monitor. The results showed
that objects which had received the sound cues during the nap saw better accuracy
in their spatial arrangements when compared to objects that had not been paired
with their sound cues.
These findings highlight the complexities of memory
formation processes in our brain. These studies show how associations formed
during the events can be just as important as the actual information being
stored. It seems as if our memory is a complex and fluid network; understandably,
this network is very difficult to understand or even study. However, studies
like these help develop strategies in which we can improve our memory. They
also reveal key aspects of memory formation and help find new insights into
this process. Since memory is so vital to what makes us human, there will
continue to be investigations and research on memory; no matter how daunting or
difficult this subject remains.
Kluger, Jeffrey. 2016. "Here's the Memory Trick
That Science Says Works." Time, April 22.