Last week, Dr. Stephan Steidl presented at
Loyola University Chicago concerning the reward system and drug use. His talk
focused on morphine and its effects to dopamine neurons and locomotion in mice.
The mesolimbic dopamine pathway and nucleus accumbens (NAc) have been
identified as critical substrates reinforcing the effects of morphine. Mice
that have their M5 muscarinic receptor knocked out show reduced locomotion
under the effects of morphine when compared to wild-type mice. I believe that
his finding show huge potential in further understanding the science behind
addictions and furthering research into treatment options in severe cases. His
study provided evidence that M5 receptors and critical to morphine-induced locomotion
by mediating the cholinergic input to the VTA in the release of dopamine. Cholinergic
neurons of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) and laterodorsal
tegmental nucleus (LDT) provide a major source of excitatory cholinergic and
glutamatergic input to the VTA. The lesioning of the LDT provided a decrease of
self-administration in rats and decrease of cholinergic neurons. Rats
experience an increase in latency of self-administration after lesioning; also,
longer interfusion intervals are observed after initiating self-administration.
Both M5 receptor deficiency and lesioning of the PPT showed to decrease opiate
usage, but researchers and doctors cannot just cut parts of brains of addicts
to help them abstain from drug use. Also, the effects that this would have in dopamine
function from naturally rewarding activities was not discussed, however I am
sure it would impede the well-being of people. Up to now, the best scientific
method in approaching addiction has been the administration of pharmaceuticals,
so let us further our findings.
The protein modifications observed from
both methadone and clonidine indicate that they exert similar neurochemical
effects on the NAc in morphine dependent monkeys. Expression of α-synuclein and
β-synuclein were upregulated with morphine usage, which can lead to synaptic
degeneration and cell death. It negatively regulates dopaminergic
neurotransmission by slowing synaptic vesicle refilling. Both drugs decrease levels
of both proteins and therefore help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and any further
brain dysfunction. Actin regulatory proteins were affected and can be connected
to differences in behavior, learning, memory, and synaptic plasticity.
Calmodulin also plays a critical role in the development of morphine dependence
and tolerance. Many other protein regulations were affected by morphine usage,
withdrawal, and pharmacological treatments. These findings demonstrate that
fast transcriptional and post-transcriptional responses occur in the NAc with
response to pharmacological treatments. Both studies may further enhance
current treatments for drug addiction and better understand the reward pathway
and proteins regulating its effects.
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