Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Brain-Computer Interface: A Means for Physical and Linguistic Communication

Dr. Lawrence Behmer with Loyola University Chicago is interested in the cognitive and neural processes that control and regulate planned actions and investigates how the brain perfectly executes such actions. Behmer hopes to improve current models of the brain-computer interface (BCI), a promising form of technology that could improve the quality of life of patients with disabilities and change the way that we manipulate the world. In light of a recent article published in The New York Times, “A Pioneering Neuroscientist Reports From ‘the Border of Life and Death,” the BCI may also allow patients in a vegetative state to communicate with those around them. The article, written by George Johnson, explains how a neuroscientist found evidence of life in patients who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries; he believes that this could change the way these patients are seen by their families and health-care professionals, which may then lead to better outcomes for traumatic brain injury.
According to Behmer, BCIs link the brain and technology in a way that allows computers to read the electrical activity of the brain and translate it into what the brain aims to accomplish in the physical world. Behmer provided the audience with many examples of BCIs, like an EEG band that aids in meditation, a toy car controlled by the mind, and prosthetic limbs. He especially focuses on the prosthetic arm, which moves according to electrical signals in the brain. While Behmer acknowledges that this is promising for patients with movement disabilities, he emphasizes that there is a lot of progress to be made for the technology. In the video he presented, the arm reaches for a water bottle and picks it up, an action facilitated by a paralyzed wearer. However, Behmer asserts that if someone were to move that water bottle after the command had been initiated, the arm would have carried out the task to termination, failing to pick up the water bottle. As we know, individuals with normal mobility would easily compensate for the movement of the water bottle, smoothly changing the trajectory of their reaching arm and successfully picking it up. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of this prosthetic arm, and Behmer aims to improve its technology through his research.
            In a recent study, Behmer used TMS, EEG, and behavioral data to investigate two models for executing planned actions: a serial chaining model and an inhibitory control model. The serial chaining model predicts that our actions are executed in an “N-1 feedback” (Behmer, November 27, 2018) in which subsequent actions are dependent on feedback from the previous actions. For example, if typists were typing truck, the letter R should be highly active after typing the letter T, while the U, C, and K would remain inactive. In the inhibitory control model, activation of letters follows a gradient in which early responses in the sequence should be highly active and slope off as the typist moves further away from them. If typing the letter R in truck, for example, the R would be at peak activation while the U becomes active. Once the participant types the letter U, R becomes less active and C becomes more active. The data indicate that the actions followed the inhibitory control model. Behmer points out that this is only a small piece of the puzzle and he is excited to continue investigating skilled motor performance.
            In researching the brain-computer interface, I read a compelling article from The New York Times that expands the list of practical implications for Behmer’s research and the BCI. However, it does not directly relate to Behmer’s research on skilled motor performance. Rather, it shares a theme with the practical implications of his research: communication. Behmer presented the BCI as a means for paralyzed patients and amputees to actively manipulate the physical world - to communicate with the world again through their own actions. As someone who is passionate about medicine and the quality of life of patients, Johnson’s article, along with Behmer’s presentation, allowed me to see the BCI as a potential means for both physical and linguistic communication. 
In his article “A Pioneering Neuroscientist Reports From ‘the Border of Life and Death,” George Johnson recounts an interview with Dr. Adrian Owen, a cognitive neuroscientist and the author of the book Into The Gray Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Border Between Life and Death. According to Johnson, Owen studies the brains of patients who have experienced traumatic brain injury and have been left in a vegetative state. Many of the patients that Johnson mentions had been in a vegetative state for years prior to their encounters with Owen. Despite this, Owen found evidence of life. One patient, for example, showed evidence of higher cognitive processing while watching a movie under an fMRI scanner; Johnson quotes Owen, saying “At all the critical twists and turns in the plot… Jeff’s frontal and parietal lobes responded exactly like those of a person who was conscious and aware” (Johnson, 2017). However, Johnson explains that this was not enough for Owen to demonstrate that the patients were mentally alive, and developed a method that would prove that his patients were thinking and feeling - he had to “catch their brains in the act of making a willful decision” (Johnson, 2017).
            This is when Johnson introduces Carol, a patient who sustained a craniectomy after being struck by two vehicles. She had been in a vegetative state for months. While under the fMRI scanner, Owen asked Carol to image herself playing a game of tennis. This activated the premotor cortex in the same way it would in a healthy person. Next, Owen asked Carol to imagine herself walking through her house, and the parahippocampal gyrus (the area of the brain responsible for spatial memory) responded in the same way it would in a healthy person. This convinced Owen that she had made a deliberate choice. He then took these findings and applied them to a patient named Scott. He asked Scott if he was in pain, and if the answer was yes, he asked Scott to imagine walking through his house. If the answer was no, he asked Scott to imagine himself playing a game of tennis. The premotor cortex responded, signalling that Scott was not in pain. Although there is a possibility that the signals observed by Owen may not be as significant or as reliable as they seem, Owen’s findings make him hopeful for the future of vegetative patients.
Owen’s work shows signs of higher cognitive functioning in vegetative patients consistent with that of a normal person. He believes that brain-computer interfaces may allow patients to have conversations, type emails, and take courses. However, it is a stretch to claim that a scanner could reliably translate electrical signals into thoughts and intentions. With more work to find clearer, yes-or-no signals from the brain, I believe it is feasible to develop a BCI that would allow patients to communicate with yes-or-no answers. This would allow them to express themselves, interact with their families, and get involved in their care, improving their quality of life. Whether the signals originate from the motor cortex (as if the patient is trying to produce speech) or from other regions of the brain that Johnson describes, Behmer’s work can aid in the production of BCIs for linguistic communication as well as physical communication.

Johnson, G. (2017, August 22). A Pioneering Neuroscientist Reports From ‘the Border of Life and Death.’ The New York Times, p. 13.

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