Although women activist cleared many hurtles and cleared the
path for feminists to have a platform to speak about gender stereotypes, the
war on gender equality was far from over.
There are many differences in males and females that is seen in
physically and now with advancing science, people have discovered that there
are brain differences between men and women.
In the words of Lisa Eliot, author of “Pink Brain Blue Brain: How Small
Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps -- And What We Can Do About It” , “Sex
differences are sexy” . It has become a serious research to see why the male
and female kinds differ physically mentally also. Even though many scientists
have found that the brain and gender roles differ in size there is no
significant differences that make an impact in the interesting studies.
However, Dr. Eliot purposed that these differences that we see between genders
are because of gender stereotyping at a young age. The brain of a child is so
easily to manipulate; searching the world frantically, learning his/her
environment absorbing everything it sees. As soon as an infant is born it is
categorized into a group based on its gender. Bay boy receives a blue hat and a
baby girl receives a pink hat. Dinosaurs and action figures given to boys and
dolls are given for girls to cuddle.
While children are being raised they are expected to act in a certain
way that is enforced by different toys and games that they interact with. These
different activities enforce different pathways in the brain. Thus, one gender
will strengthen a pathway more so than the other. When scientists look at the
brain and see differences in genders, some believe that these differences are
based on nurture rather than nature. However, equality has been a clear theme
throughout America’s history. From race equality to gender, people have fought
to have equal advantageous in society. Everyone should have equal opportunities
to reach their goals and succeed. The favoring of certain pathways in the brain
raises gender equality questions. Does gender stereotyping give any one group
an unfair advantage in society? Although scientists are still trying to answer
this biological question, there are sociologist fighting to change the way
parents, teachers, and other forms of mentors to treat children with equal
bias. And to get rid of the presumption that females love nail polish and
reserve the right to cry in public, and men should play sports and smother
their sensitive side. By taking these stereotypes
and giving the children a chance to form and reinforce pathways in their brain
without the manipulation of the environment. The sociologist, feminist , and
those searching for equality search for a world were women could receive the
same pay as her male co-worker, men could work as nurses or “stay-at-home” dad
without condemnation. Hopefully this change can occur just by the simple fact
of changing the view of gender stereotypes.
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